Scholar Spotlight: Oğulcan’s Tough Choice Between Passion and Priorities for a Brighter Future

Hudson Global Scholar: Oğulcan Makaracı
Hudson Global Scholars program: Providence Country Day U.S. Dual Diploma
Home: Türkiye

The Decision

Choosing between passions is never easy. When I first started high school, I used to play a lot of basketball and was part of a basketball team. The friendships I built, the thrill of competition, and the sense of accomplishment that comes after a hard-fought win were all part of my basketball experience. But as I progressed through high school, I realized that I wanted to equip myself with different perspectives and challenge myself in different realms.

Then I heard about the Hudson Global Scholars’ online U.S. Dual Diploma program. It offered the opportunity to take American high school-level courses taught by U.S. teachers from my home computer. But this program required a significant investment of time and effort, meaning I would have to give up activities in my life such as basketball.

Making this decision was difficult. I knew I would miss the practices, the adrenaline of the games, and the friendships I made on the court. However, the prospect of expanding my horizons, gaining new perspectives by participating in a different educational system, and taking a step toward becoming a global citizen was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up.

Embracing the Change

The transition from traditional high school courses in my home country to courses in a different system was difficult. It required me to adapt to a different pace and a higher level of responsibility. Managing my time effectively became crucial as I needed to balance the demands of both my schools.

There were days when the workload seemed overwhelming. My daily routine started early. I would wake up, catch the school bus for a 1.5-hour ride and attend my regular high school classes. After school, I’d take another 1.5-hour bus ride back home. Once home, I’d dive into my Dual Diploma classes if they were scheduled during the day. Afterward, I would focus on my high school assignments, followed by completing my Dual Diploma work.

Sometimes, I would find myself working late into the night to ensure I kept up with both. I would adjust my schedule to allow myself to study when I was most focused and to take breaks when I needed them. If I needed to spend extra time on a challenging assignment or take a longer break to clear my mind, I could just rearrange my schedule accordingly. This flexibility also enabled me to delve deeper into subjects I was passionate about and explore new topics that weren’t available at my local high school. This experience was not just about academics—it was about personal growth and discovering my capabilities.

Finding New Passions

As I navigated through the online Dual Diploma program, I continued to discover my interests in various areas. I took advantage of the opportunity to dive into the field of computers and coding by taking the Web Design course in my second year, where I learned to program various types of websites. I quickly realized how important good website design is in creating a strong online presence. This course helped me understand how design choices impact the way a site is perceived and how crucial it is to get those details right. Learning web design provided me with some practical skills that I could immediately apply, from creating personal projects to assisting with small websites.

Additionally, the Study Skills and Strategies course that I took in my first year taught me how to study more effectively, manage my time, and maintain focus. These skills were invaluable as they taught me how to balance my coursework.

This combination of newfound passion and practical skills has inspired me to major in computer science in college. Computer science skills are highly versatile and in demand across various industries, offering endless opportunities to solve real world problems. These courses opened my eyes to the possibilities in the tech industry and encouraged me to further explore these opportunities. I am eager to continue developing my abilities in this field and to design innovative solutions that address real world challenges and make a difference.

The Reward

By the end of my senior year, I completed six credits worth of online courses. The hard work paid off. I felt more equipped for the challenges ahead in my life, not just academically but also in terms of time management and adaptation skills. This journey taught me the importance of setting goals, taking initiatives, and embracing change.

Looking back, I don’t regret stepping away from basketball to become a Hudson Global Scholar and earn my American Diploma. It was a challenging journey, but it shaped me into a better version of myself. I learned that difficult choices can lead to more rewarding outcomes. While my diploma stands as a testament to my efforts, the real gains are the lessons I’ve learned and the skills I built, which are far more valuable. As I move forward, I carry with me these valuable experiences and the confidence to embrace new challenges and opportunities.

Hudson Global Scholars thanks Oğulcan for sharing his experience and congratulates him on his success. He is attending the University of Michigan, majoring in engineering.

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