Trusted by 650+ Schools
in 25+ Countries

Partner with Hudson Global Scholars and Be a Leader in Global Education

At Hudson Global Scholars, we’re dedicated to ensuring your school has a bright future ahead. Our world-class academic programs will help elevate your institution, enabling you to expand your curriculum, guide students towards their higher education aspirations, and establish your school as a leader in global education.

With us as your partner, you’ll gain a competitive edge and attract more students by:

  • Offering an international program with guaranteed acceptance to U.S. universities
  • Enhancing English language instruction with U.S. teachers
  • Increasing university placement rates, both domestically and internationally, using our counseling and network of universities
  • Accessing more than 300 courses spanning core subjects, honors, AP, arts, technology, sciences, and more

Join our global network of partner schools today and embark on a journey towards a brighter future!

Ways We Support Partners

Our flexible solutions are designed to allow you to meet your students’ needs today and into the future.

Fully Online K-12 Programs

Retain students by offering a fully online program to families that want a school community’s benefits, but prefer the flexibility and safety of studying at home.

Programs Designed for International Students

Offer your students an opportunity to receive an American education without having to study abroad. Our programs can help your students improve their English proficiency and prepare them for the U.S. university experience.

Supplemental Courses

A library of over 600 secular and non-secular courses allows you to expand your curriculum to include additional foreign languages, new electives, credit recovery courses, and more, all within your school’s daily schedule.

Substitute Teachers

With a pool of highly qualified, certified teachers and an extensive library of courses, we can help you quickly go online when the unexpected happens, such as losing a teacher without a replacement.

White-Labeled Solutions

Want to launch an online school or micro-school but don’t want to manage the school systems? We’ll do it for you–allowing you to focus on the students.

Fill out the form below to schedule a meeting and learn more about how we can help your school.