Scholar Spotlight: Ela Karabekiroglu Embarks on an Epic Antarctic Adventure—From High School to Polar Pioneer!

Hudson Global Scholar: Ela Karabekiroglu
Hudson Global Scholars program: Providence Country Day U.S. Dual Diploma
Home: Turkey
In the vast and captivating expanse of Antarctica, where icy landscapes unfold like pages of an untold story, a Hudson Global Scholar proudly stands as an innovator, pushing the boundaries of education and exploration. The trailblazer of this icy frontier is seventeen-year-old Ela K. Karabekiroglu, a beacon of inspiration and accomplishment in the world of global scholarship. Now a senior in her high school in Turkey, Ela began her U.S. Dual Diploma program as a ninth grader in February 2021, and graduated from Providence Country Day Global Campus, a member of the Hudson Global Scholars Network, in July 2023.

Ela wearing the innovation in bio wear, wearable technology inspired by nature, she co-invented with two other members of her high school science club, the Cosmos Club.
Getting a second diploma was a great opportunity for Ela, who always knew she wanted to apply to universities abroad. Hudson Global Scholars offered Ela everything she was looking for in an educational program: fun classes, authentic opportunities to practice English, support with international college applications, and a larger lens to view the world. Ela said, “In our age the greatest thing we can do is broaden our minds and have a bigger vision to see the world. This program helps you see the world a little bigger.”
Ela’s native language is Turkish, but she felt drawn to the English language since childhood. The U.S. Dual Diploma program has boosted both her skills and confidence in English, through regular opportunities to interact with students and native English-speaking teachers based in the United States. She credits her program for helping her with recent success on the English proficiency exam.
Ela’s small and interactive classes gave her the opportunity to connect with her instructors and tutors. She enjoyed assignments and practiced formal English writing. Her best advice for other global scholars: “Don’t be shy and speak with confidence. Participate as much as you can and take advantage of opportunities to grow in your learning.”
Ela’s studies were not always easy. She juggled a full regular course load in her Turkish high school and often had lots of homework. But, she said, the management skills she has learned will help her throughout her life. In addition to these skills, Ela shared that her program “is so much fun, and you get to spend time with people from all over the world.”
Her classes were not only engaging, but also offered a creative outlet for Ela. In Web Design, she learned basic HTML and built a website. Other exciting courses that Ela completed as a Hudson Global Scholar include Study Skills and Strategies, Language Arts, World Geography, Introduction to Business, Digital Media, and Film and Media Studies.
In addition to earning her Dual Diploma, Ela participates in her high school science club, the Cosmos Club. With two of her club teammates and mentor, Ela co-developed an innovation in bio wear, wearable technology inspired by nature, to help prevent hypothermia in researchers working in polar regions. They created a hemp-based multilayer coat inspired by the three layers of a polar bear’s skin, plus a gyro sensor which measures bodily functions (like heart rate and temperature).
The team’s invention won a national competition in Turkey. In January 2024, they joined a group of Turkish scientists in Antarctica as part of the 8th National Antarctic Science Expedition (TAE VIII). During their week-long expedition, the team tested their wearable technology. Ela said, “Our coat worked perfectly, and we were able to measure body functions such as heart rate and body heat.”
Ela and her team also got the opportunity to visit international research facilities in South Korea, Argentina, Poland, and Chile. “It was a fascinating adventure and journey that changed my perspective on life and expanded my horizons and vision,” she said.

Ela and her teammates present the prototype for their bio wear innovation.
Ela has accomplished so much in her high school career as a Dual Diploma scholar. The Hudson Global Scholars advising process helped Ela navigate her experience as an international student and a university applicant. After just one meeting with her advisor, Ela felt comfortable and familiar with the process, which she describes as enjoyable and easy.
After high school, Ela hopes to study biomedical engineering and science. To date, with the help of Hudson Global Scholars, Ela has been accepted into three universities in the United States: The University of Massachusetts, University of Chicago, and Florida International University. She is still awaiting responses from a few more colleges in the U.S. and Turkey before she makes her final decision. We can’t wait to see what Ela will do next!
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