Scholar Spotlight: Ryo Yamaguchi Applies Martial Arts Skills to International Scholarship

Hudson Global Scholar: Ryo Yamaguchi
Hudson Global Scholars program: Providence Country Day U.S. Dual Diploma
Home: Japan
What do martial arts, computer programming, and international scholarship have in common? For U.S. Dual Diploma candidate Ryo Yamaguchi, the answer is: a lot!
Hudson Global Scholar Ryo balances his studies in Japan with his passion for both martial arts and computer programming. He approaches each of these three aspects of his life with the same strong work ethic, an appreciation for competition, and a healthy dose of fun.
Ryo has been involved with martial arts training for many years. His parents first encouraged him to learn martial arts fourteen years ago. At first, it was hard, but Ryo stuck with it. He learned an important lesson early on: “The harder you train, the stronger you get.” Ryo discovered that competing with rivals and winning competitions was fun, too. After 12 years of training, Ryo earned a black belt and won a world karate championship.

Ryo applies this work ethic from martial arts to his life as a Hudson Global Scholar. Ryo decided to enroll in the U.S. Dual Diploma program to develop his English skills and learn academic subjects in English. His favorite courses so far have been World History and Introduction to Business. Already, the program has helped him build his communication skills. He says, “the more I study, the more knowledge I have, and the more I can speak to my teachers.”
Like martial arts, Ryo also enjoys competing in computer programming challenges. He was recognized for his programming skills when his team made it to the semi-finals of a national coding competition. After the tournament, he released a few games that he had built for other gamers to enjoy.
For Ryo, an element of fun is essential. One of the aspects of the U.S. Dual Diploma program that he appreciates most is his teachers, especially those who make the courses easy to understand and who aren’t afraid to incorporate humor into the learning experience. His teachers’ jokes make the classes more enjoyable and easier to understand. Ryo finds his teachers “really caring and really fun.”
As a U.S. Dual Diploma student, Ryo has also learned the importance of strong time management skills. He continues to balance his studies, martial arts training, and time spent programming. He advises current and future students to focus on time management to keep multiple commitments manageable. His biggest takeaway is “schedule your tasks and work on time.” Hard work is an attribute that Ryo brings to every challenge whether an assignment, a martial arts competition, or a programming project.
Overall, Ryo recommends the Hudson Global Scholars program because it is a great opportunity to develop English skills and make new friends. Not only did he practice his English in classes, but also in the Hudson Global Scholars community. As a Student Ambassador in the community, he helped run events and connected with students around the world in the chat groups.
Ryo hopes to attend a college in the United States to study coding. Currently, he is taking advantage of the advising process offered through Hudson Global Scholars. As a U.S. Dual Diploma candidate, he will have the unique opportunity to earn guaranteed admission to top universities in the United States and other English-speaking universities. His advisor has been able to give him clear and direct answers to his questions about the next steps on this path. Ryo is up to the challenge! He knows from experience that hard work pays off.
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