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Que vous soyez un futur étudiant ou un partenaire potentiel, ces témoignages offrent un aperçu précieux de l'environnement favorable, flexible et enrichissant que nous nous efforçons de créer à Hudson Global Scholars. Découvrez comment nous avons aidé des apprenants à atteindre leurs objectifs académiques et comment nos collaborations ont favorisé la réussite de nos partenaires. 

View our Student Testimonials

View our Partner Testimonials

“Hudson has been great for us. We’ve seen an outpouring of interest from our students and parents to fill the voids for advanced or career-focused classes that we don’t currently offer through our electives.”

– John Arunski, Director of Academics
Ambassador Education Group

Témoignages d'étudiants

I think it will change my future because if I want to go to college in the U.S., having a diploma may make it easier. Also for later in life, If I want to get a masters degree in the U.S., it will help me. Mariana

Student, Brazil

Après plus d'un mois d'apprentissage dans le cadre du programme, je suis vraiment impressionnée par les méthodes d'apprentissage et d'enseignement, et j'ai acquis des connaissances intéressantes que je n'aurais jamais cru connaître auparavant. Kevin

Étudiant, Vietnam

I will adapt to the university environment in the U.S. faster than before having experienced the online classes. My English became more fluent than when I started. I cultivated computer skills and concentration skills. I learned how to manage time and meet deadlines. Yen Nhi

Étudiant, Vietnam

When I started this program, I definitely felt that two years was a very long journey. And that with my club, my school homework, my DDP assignments, I thought I would never make it. To my surprise, I only have one course left which I am currently working on, and after that I will be all finished. Thanks to this program, I was able to maintain and improve my English skills as well as make new friends from other schools, and also have great connection to the wonderful mentors I’ve met throughout the course. Miyu

Student, Japan

L'une des meilleures expériences que j'ai eues. J'ai pu tout faire en ligne facilement, et c'était vraiment intéressant. Aujourd'hui, j'ai deux diplômes de fin d'études secondaires que je peux présenter dans les demandes d'emploi et les universités aux États-Unis. Angelo

Student, Brazil

Mr. Steckler is always great at answering emails when I have questions… he is always willing to add some motivation at the end of his email to support me! Abigal

Student, U.S.A

Lorsque j'ai terminé la dernière leçon, j'ai ressenti un grand sentiment d'accomplissement. Grâce à ce programme, j'ai acquis les compétences en anglais qui me permettent de communiquer avec des personnes du monde entier et la perspective de voir les choses sous différents aspects. Je n'oublierai pas ce que j'ai appris et je continuerai à faire des efforts pour améliorer mes compétences en communication. Minami

Student, Japan

Thanks to my teachers I have improved a lot. After two semesters, I feel quite happy everytime I go to class with my friends. I no longer feel afraid to communicate with my teachers. Diem Quynh

Étudiant, Vietnam

Columbia School has a unique approach to all its students. I’m glad to be a part of Hudson Global Scholars because I know my education will give me a lot of benefits in the future. I have benefited so much already. The knowledge I have gained is very special and will provide a lot of possibilities for me in the future. Sofia

Étudiant, Ukraine

Témoignages de partenaires

John Arunski, directeur des études
Ambassador Education Group

Alberto Varela, responsable des programmes internationaux
Nuestra Señora del Carmen (Carmelitas-Miraflores)

Alexandra Holmgren, diplomate commerciale des États-Unis
Ambassade des États-Unis, Brasilia

Nella DeSanto, assistante de direction
Unity Concord International School

Je suis le cofondateur d'une école privée en Colombie pour les athlètes de haut niveau. Je travaille avec Hudson Global Schools depuis 5 ans. Je me sens toujours très soutenue par ma gestionnaire de compte, qui est toujours très serviable et réactive. Elle est toujours prête à aider, quelles que soient les circonstances. Lorsque des difficultés surviennent ou que nous nous débattons avec les chiffres, la plateforme, la technologie ou tout autre sujet, elle fait preuve d'une grande ingéniosité dans la recherche de solutions et d'alternatives. Les autres services de soutien sont également fournis de manière professionnelle et rapide. L'expérience de mon équipe et celle de mes élèves est exceptionnelle. Je suis très heureuse d'être une école partenaire de Hudson Global Scholars. Ivonne Merlano Támara

Co-Founder, Clan Academy (Columbia)

I am the Principal of a partner school of Hudson Global Scholars in Panama. Our school has been contracting with Hudson for 7 years. Our students earn a USA diploma and they experience the benefits and possibilities this diploma offers. Five generations have graduated so far and all of them are studying at prestigious universities around the world. Our school is supported by a dedicated Account Manager, an experienced professional who helps me and my coordinator with everything and anything, she even proofreads our website. The Hudson team offers the support services of a traditional school, promptly and expertly. Impressive. Lazaro Rodrigez

Principal, Coronado International School (Panama)

I have proudly worked with Hudson Global Scholars for the past 3.5 years. I was the International Coordinator at a private school in Panama, which recently I resigned my position at this school. However, my HGS experience was exceptional and unique. I was fully supported by my Account Manager, who would always go the extra mile to help not only the school, but its students to continue progressing. The remaining support teams were professional and helpful too, at all times. Our students had successful course completions and were supported whenever needed. As I move toward other career opportunities, I will look back at this time and remember HGS with pleasure and the goals achieved with great satisfaction. Jannell Zamora

International Coordinator, (Panama)